Tenses ( 20 點 )

2007-04-10 12:41 am
我想請大家幫忙!!( 因為就快考試 )


請大家教我 :

001.) 現在式
002.) 過去式
003.) 現在完成式
004.) 現在進行式
005.) 將來式

我想問 :
Q1.) have / has + ing 係嘜野式 ??
Q2.) was / were + p.p 係嘜野式 ??
Q3.) will + Xx x x (?) 係嘜野式 ??
Q4.) 嘜野式係 + s / es??

☆:最好有Key Words & e.g.

e.g. 可唔可以( 以下 )
Anna _________ ( visit )grandma next Sunday.

Key Words 可唔可以比 多D我??~
yet , everyday , if , .............................

★:THANK YOU !!~^^~

回答 (4)

2007-04-14 12:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
Simple Present (簡單現在式):

Subject + Verb (動詞原式)

a.常規/習慣(routine actions/habits)/ b.真理(General Truth)/ c.概括(Summarize) 等,
都可以用Simple Present Tense, 例句:
a. I always drink coffee in the morning.
b. Water boils at 100 degrees.
c. In this article, Mr. Smith discusses ways to increase your earning power.

Simple Past (簡單過去式):

Subject + Verb (動詞過去式)

當一件事情在過去已經發生並完成左(不論係一秒前, 或一萬年前)

I just missed the bus! Now I'm going to be late for school.
When dinosaurs walked the earth, there were no humans.

Present Perfect Tense (現在完成式):

Subject + have/has + p.p. of verb (過去分詞)

a. 一件事開始時是過去, 一直持續到現在
She has worked on the same job for 20 years.
(佢20年前開始做呢份工,做到今日仲做緊, 所以用現在完成式)

b. 一件事在過去已經完成, 但可能會再發生
We have had three tests this semester.
(由學期開始到而家已經有3 個測驗, 由於學期未結束, 可能仲有更多測驗)

c. 一件事在過去已經完成, 但無確實講明係幾時完成(或根本唔重要)
I have seen that movie.
He has read that book.

但當如果有問幾時, 個答案就會變成簡單過去式. 如:
A: I have seen that movie.
B: When?
A: I saw it yesterday.

Present Continuous (現在進行式):

Subect + is/am/are + verb (動詞+ing)

a. 一件事在說話時同時進行的動作
What is Linda doing?
She is sleeping (right now).

b. 一件事在最近e段時期做既
What is John doing these days?
He is working at the supermarket (these days).

c. 表示已經打算要做的事
When are you leaving on your vacation?
We are leaving on Friday.

Simple Future Tense (簡單將來式):

Subject + will/be going to + verb (動詞原式)

a. 當預計將要做一件事時, 用將來式
will 同 is/am/are going to 可以交替時用, 分別在於:
will 係決定左要做, 但亦有可能會改變.
We will go shopping tomorrow. (沒有計劃好, 可以隨時改變的)
而 be going to 就係一D 你已經plan 好左要做既野. 而件事一定會發生.
We are going to Japan tomorrow.
(已經買好了機票明天出發到日本,可能性極高, 所以用be going to)

Q1.) have / has + ing 係嘜野式 ??
應該係 have / has + been + verb + ing 吧?
係 Present Perfect Continuous (現在完成進行式)
如果唔係寫錯, 就可能係現在分詞, have / have + ing = having

Q2.) was / were + p.p 係嘜野式 ??
係passive voice (被動式) 用於過去式
Q3.) will + Xx x x (?) 係嘜野式 ??
係future tense (將來式)
Q4.) 嘜野式係 + s / es??
簡單現在式動詞後 + s 或 es, 如 eat -> eats, go -> goes

e.g. 可唔可以( 以下 )
Anna will visit / is going to visit ( visit )grandma next Sunday.

你所講既 Key words, 唔知係咪呢D:
Since: I have lived here since 1990.
For: Joe has been sick for two weeks.
Just: Our neighbors have just bought a new car.
Yet: Has Ben graduated yet?
其他仲有: recently, lately, already.. 等等...
參考: my knowledge & some handouts
2007-04-10 2:21 am

001) Present tense現在式
1a) for repeated actions or habits
e.g. We get up early every day.
keywords: always, usually, generallym often, sometimes, seldom, rarely,never, every day/week/month/year, once a week, twice a month, now and then etc.

1b) for permanent situations
e.g. Ms Chan speaks fluent English

1c) for general truth
e.g. The earth goes round the sun.

002) Past tense過去式
2a) for something happened in the past
e.g. I went to the book exhibition yesterday morning.
Keywords: yesterday, last week/month/year, ago, in 1979, etc.

003) Present Perfect tense 現在完成式
3a) for the present result of the past action
e.g. i can't contact him. I have lost his telephone number.
e.g. It's nearly seven o'clock. Has Tom woken up yet?
Keywords: just, yet, already, since 1989, etc.

3b) for something which started in the past and continues up to the present
e.g. Susan has worked for the company for three years now. She knows everybordy there well.

004) Present continous tense 現在進行式
4a) for something which is in progress at the moment of speaking
e.g. Your father is working. Don't disturb him.
Keywords: now, still, at the moment, at present, etc.

4b) for an action happening around now but not neccessarily at the moment of speaking
e.g. Paul: i see your brother is reading the classified ads.
Lily: yes, he is looking for a job.

4c) for a frequently repeated action
e.g. Your sister is always talking in class. You should do something about it.
keywords: always, constantlym continually, etc.

4d) for situations which are changing or developing around the event
e.g. It is getting dark, we'd better leave now.

005) Future tense 將來式
5a) for something which we think or believe will happen in the future
e.g. I think the weather will be fine tomorrow.

Q1: have / has + ing 係present continous tense
Q2: was / were + p.p係 passive voice
e.g. The room was cleaned yesterday.
e.g. This birthday cake was made by my mother.
Q3: will + Xx x x (?) 係過去式
Q4: simple present tense即現在式就會+ s/es.
逢見到he/she/it 先要0係verb後面+ s/es
e.g. He works until late everyday.
e.g. Mary uses different tools for cooking.
2007-04-10 1:09 am
001.) 現在式 - happen nowadays
002.) 過去式 - happen in the past
003.) 現在完成式-finish happening now
004.) 現在進行式-happening now
005.) 將來式-will happen in the future

Q1.) have / has + ing 係嘜野式 ?? 現在進行式
Q2.) was / were + p.p 係嘜野式 ?? 過去式
Q3.) will + Xx x x (?) 係嘜野式 ?? 將來式
Q4.) 嘜野式係 + s / es?? 現在式

Anna will visit grandma next Sunday.
Anna is going to visit grandma next Sunday.
參考: ME!!!
2007-04-10 12:48 am
KEYWORDS:since,yet,just(present perfect)

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