Business Law 問題 (1)

2007-04-09 10:23 pm
1. (a) Why is it important to distinguish between an offer and an invitation to treat ?
Give 3 examples of an invitation to treat.
(b) A, who wants a car, asks B how much he would sell his car for . B
replies, "$75000 and at that price irt would be a bargain." A informs B that
he will pay $75000 but B refuse to sell the car. Advise the parties.

回答 (2)

2007-04-09 10:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你一定係讀緊hi-dip或者係u 之類!!

你提及的課題係contract law .......係business law 的極級重要的課題

要分清楚invitation to treat 和offer 因為有offer才能構成一張合約(contract)
invitation to treat 不能構成一張合約

invitation to treat 是不能構成合約
著名的案例....carbonlic smoke ball case....(我唔係好肯定第一個字的串法了)
你查下吧....每一本business law 的書一定有提及呢個case!!!!
如果考試時....一定要提及呢個case !!

invitation to treat v.s. offer
1) 你去百佳.....見到某東西賣2元.......這是invitation to treat
你的offer 是: 2元買下那東西.......
收銀員接受你的金錢.....那是accept offer!!

所以別以為.....要簽名.....很formal 才是一張合約!!

2) 你去yahoo 拍賣.....見到的貨品....有price.....都係invitation to treat
buyer bid 第一次係offer

3) 你打開報紙.....財經版.......見到某銀行....推出warrant (窩輪).......詳情請查詢....
這是invitation to treat!!

到b part了.....
b 說75,000 是一個invitation to treat
到a 說佢願意用75,000 買the car .....這是offer.....
可是b 出了counter offer (refuse to sell the car)!!

p.s. 要注意.....因為你無問及.....所以有很多地方...我也無提及了
要一張法律認可的合約.......不可只有offer.....還要有consideration....忘記了其他的原素了.....但係consideration 都係好重要的

contract law 是幾多野.......聽一個律師講.....contract law 是要讀一個sem
我只是畢業於poly 讀acct....讀左contract law 幾堂 (business law讀了一個sem)
business law 都幾有趣.....又唔算好複雜.....
參考: My Brain
2007-09-16 10:17 pm
大俠方唔方便留個msn俾我呀!!!我都想有問題可以請教到你呀^^我msn: [email protected]

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