點解 copper(ll)sulphate cannot react with conc. sulphuric acid

2007-04-09 10:07 pm
點解 copper(ll)sulphate cannot react with concentrated sulphuric acid ?

回答 (1)

2007-04-09 10:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Consider ions of copper(ll)sulphate:(Cu)2+, (SO4)2-
Consider ions of concentrated sulphuric acid:(H)+, (SO4)2-

let's consider the ions one by one.
(Cu)2+ won't react with hydrogen ion as they are both oxidizing agent.

(Cu)2+ won't react with (SO4)2- as (Cu)2+ has a higher position than that of (SO4)2- in the electrochemical series (ECS). In short, they are both too weak for reaction.

(H)+ of course won't react with (SO4)2-, the reason is the same for the previous case.

And (SO4)2- and (SO4)2- won't react.....

The answer is obvious~

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