英文(a christmas carol)???!!

2007-04-09 9:03 pm
本書既central ideas係咩?!
1.what was the author's purpose?
但係諗到2.what message did the author want to express?

回答 (3)

2007-04-10 3:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
A christmas carol is mainly about a 孤寒財主(I forgot his name), he was a very mean man since his business partner dead. One year's Christmas eve, the sprit of his partner told him that there will be three elf visit him, they are the elf of the pass, the present and the future. The three elf shown him something, then he finally realised he was too mean and unfeeling to his relatives and at the end he spends a merry christmas with his brothers and sisters and their children.

I think the author's porpose was to tell people not to be mean and unfeeling to people around them, And also not always just keep the money you earned and be a 守財奴, or else you will have 報應 after you die
參考: me
2007-04-10 7:08 am
非常老套, 但係本書既central idea係講love
當孤寒財主scrooge用一個抽離既角度睇返佢身邊既人&佢地對佢既comments既時候, 佢發覺佢一直最睇重既錢原來令其他人非常討厭佢, 而佢最睇輕既love居然可以帶俾bob一家(係佢手下做野既窮人)無限既開心, 佢就開始question自己既人生
author's purpose就係叫大家要多d關心人, 試下由其他人既角度去理解一件事情, 然後作出體諒; 同時佢要人重新認識自己同自己與生俱來愛人既能力. 好似scrooge一開始咁衰, 但係當佢知道bob個仔好快會死既時候, 佢第一個反應係問ghost佢可以點幫佢. 當佢開始識咁諗既時候, 佢開始重新學識去愛, 由個一刻開始演變成結尾時個個generous既佢.

btw, i think msg expressed in a book 同 author's purpose係雷同
2007-04-09 9:34 pm
central ideas 就係本書最主要講咩。
ithink the author's purposeis to give out a message.

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