
2007-04-09 8:29 pm
我想問cathay pacific student visa既luggage allowance係幾多kg?
邊間airline既luggage allowance最多呢?
thx thx

singapore airline同cathay pacific邊間既luggage allowance會多d?????

回答 (3)

2007-04-09 10:56 pm
normally 20k. if you are member of frequent flyer could be more and up to25k. over...depends on your luck la.....by by-law. the airline could refer u. no argue! so put a smile on your face la.... and ask....

what is AU? cathay is CX, qantas is QN and Virgin is VS.

and about sending package to aussie. unless very important. normally we could buy clothes and beddings. (don't keep the standard, much lower in material but cheapest in price than in hkg. quality...cheaper la) dont bring too much luxurius stuffs. student quarter or apartments close to school are the hotspot of burglary. FAT SHEEP. most burglars wanteds are laptop/digital camera/computer mon--not mainbody.
2007-04-09 8:53 pm
如果你出機票的時候, 沒有和 agent 說明你需要 "加磅". 那麼你的行李 allowance 就是 20kg, 通常 under 23kg 之下都唔會有事, 但 25kg 以上就 9 成要開喼執野
每一間的 baggage allowance 都大同小異的. 因此你需要同 agent 講你需要 "加磅", 睇下佢地做唔做到, 因為唔係張張機票都可以做的
你梗係可以寄船運去澳洲啦. 但比盡你最多咪寄 10 - 20 kg, 寄郵局平郵就算啦. 但需要等成個月, 仲要冇得 track, 但就真係便宜 lor. 一個 20kg 的包裹, 平郵只需 HK$375. 不過如果你寄 speed post, 用佢既 20kg 箱, 2 -3 日送到門口, 只需要 HK$900, 我覺得值得 lor...
郵費問題可參考: http://app1.hongkongpost.com/calc/chi/overseas/step1.php

2007-04-09 16:33:05 補充:
Singapore Airline = 20kgCathay Pacific = 20kgNormally, they will give you 3 - 5 kg buffer load. If your luggage is over 25 kg, they will charge you.

2007-04-09 16:33:12 補充:
If you need extra luggage allowance, you have to ask help form travel agents, they will help you to get 10 kg more if possibleFor normal ticket, 20kg is the common limited of a checked baggage to Australia
2007-04-09 8:37 pm
參考: 自己

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