The meaning of those 4 words

2007-04-09 7:59 pm
The meaning of those 4 words:Foot inside,Foot outside,Foot sole,Foot instep

回答 (3)

2007-04-09 8:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Foot inside,---脚内侧
Foot outside---脚外侧
,Foot sole,脚面
Foot instep ---脚尖
2007-04-09 8:08 pm
Foot inside 腳內側
Foot outside 腳外側
Foot sole 腳掌 (腳板底)
Foot instep 腳背 (腳面)
2007-04-09 8:05 pm
腳內側, 腳外側, 腳面, 腳掌

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