請問心臟病 與 普通人的昏迷過程,以及結果有甚麼不同?

2007-04-09 7:21 pm
我是有先天性心臟病的,我剛出世 的時候要經常出入醫院,但長大後至現在成年,也不用因心臟病的問題→看醫生和吃藥。

回答 (3)

2007-04-09 11:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The three most common causes of 昏迷 (syncope) are
1) vasovagal - eg sudden syncope during severe pain / emotional stress/ see other people bleeding etc
2) cardiac (heart) cause - eg abnormal heart beating (arrhythmia)
3) neurological cause (brain problem) - eg seizure

All of them can occur in those young people (I expect you are young). However, as you have underlying congenital heart diseaes (先天性心臟病,), your chance to have heart cause as the cause of syncope should be higher them those without underlying heart problem.

For vasovagal syncope, they usually occur at specific environment (standing at playground for long time / going to play very exciting games )or presence of triggering factors (eg pain / feel emotonally upset ). They may have some preceding nausea and dizziness or abdominal pain

For heart problem, usually no preceding events and the syncope occur suddenly. Occasionally, may had chest discomfort or feeling heart beating very fast and irregular

For neurological cause, may or may not have preceding events (feeling something will occur, seeing flash light etc). May had prolong dizziness and drowiness after the events (post ictal drowiness). Others may tell you that you have abnormal limbs movement during the syncope

You will need a Dr to help making the diagnosis
You can have a look of this article from emedicine as well
hope can help
2007-04-09 11:27 pm
2007-04-09 7:26 pm

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