back to HK

2007-04-09 5:51 pm
I would like to hear some advice and experience of those who obtain a degree from australia, canada or US as foreign students, and then go back to HK to look for jobs. Everyone please help, thanks!

回答 (2)

2007-04-10 4:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
It depends on your major and work experience. I back from U.S. but don't have any working experience. In addition, i'm a math graduate, (not that popular for job). Job hunting at the start of this yr and only able to get a job after 3 months.
Don't expect you will have higher starting salary than a local graduate.
Only advantage you will have
1) if you have releveant work experience
2) you can speak fluent English than some of the local grad. if the job requires for English.
3) you better learn chinese typing and mardarin if possible, lots of jobs ask for that now.
4) Find a job in where you study, u got better salary than in HK.
5) If you do come back for good, it'll be better off NOT during summer or graduation period, not that wise to compete with hk fresh grad.
Good luck!
2007-04-09 5:57 pm

搵工方式﹖不難,網上求職網,send email已可

受聘機會﹖香港而家d大學生都好難搵到滿意既工作, 僱主不會因你外國回來就特別喜歡(因無本地經驗),但先搵一份基礎的工,再看機會轉工, 另作發展, 是不難的

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