2007-04-09 10:33 am
我想問問,如果考試話G(x) is a function defined on (0,1)即係咩意思?
係咪即係 0< G(x) <1 咁解?thx!!

回答 (3)

2007-04-09 6:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
No, 佢只係話, 如果你input 既x 係between 0 同1, G(x) 可以output 到value 咁解
即係話, G(x) is well-defined when x is between 0 and 1

note: 佢呢句唔等於話G(x) 係continuous when x belongs to (0, 1)!
2007-04-10 9:12 am
should be 0 < x < 1
2007-04-09 11:51 am
thats mean G(x) exist on (0,1) or G(x) is continuous on (0,1)

2007-04-09 03:51:59 補充:
not 0< G(x) <1 !!!

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