
2007-04-09 10:22 am
1.This school was founded in 2002..點解係founded 而唔係 found 乜唔係was 後面既動詞唔變咩..
2. We are going shopping this afternoon 呢句有咩問題.如果冇..點解/.
3. The train was packed with passengers..why係packed 而唔係packing..
4. This book is specially written for small children 點解用passive voice..
5.The police have searched the whole building..點解用active voice
6.The stadium will be changed into a commercial building..點解用passive voice

回答 (2)

2007-04-09 11:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
首先你要知乜野係passive voice。佢o既句式係:
is/am/are/was/were (深do既有 has/have/had+been) + past participle

幾時用呢?就要睇句子意思,當主詞唔係做 verb 個動作o個個人/o個樣野時就要用。因為中文好多時都唔用 passive,所以要小心。

1.中文譯作「學校成立於2002年」,但係學校係要人去成立,所以你可以諗This school was founded in 2002 [BY MR X],只係呢部份往往唔需要就唔講。只要你諗得通呢步,就知有呢部份o既都係 passive 句子。
2.唔知何解呢句要有問題,focus 係咪都係 active / passive?如果係,去shopping o既係we,係主動做動作o既人,所以係 active
3.人主動塞入火車(by passengers),所以係 passive
4.書被作者寫成(by the author)
5.搜查 building o既係警方,所以 active
6.stadium 先要拆(by people),再要起樓(by people),所以都係 passive
2007-04-09 11:18 am
1. was founded係passive, 被建立
2. 無錯, 我地晏晝去買野!
3. passive again, 列車被乘客擠滿
4. 本書係被寫, 唔係自己變出黎
5. 咁係police search the building丫嘛...
6. 咁stadium唔會自己變身, 係被人變的
參考: memememe

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