貓持續發燒, 怎麼辦?

2007-04-09 8:51 am
貓咪在4月5日到診見醫生, 探熱~ 40度..
當日打左針, 無須食藥, 但當天仍有吃乾糧, 吃了平時約一半份量及有飲水,精神還可以, 只是比平時睡多一點.
4月6日餵乾糧+退燒藥+抗生素, 隔1,2分鐘嘔晒出黎, 當晚見狀無再餵.
4月7日中午餵完乾糧, 再吃藥, 精神比前兩天還差, 只睡覺, 間中飲水, 沒有吃糧, 親手餵落口, 才吃一點點
4月8日中午牠自動自覺吃了一點糧(幾口而已), 精神依然差, 服下退燒藥, 抗生素回吐...
看氣息, 精神還是沒好, 怎麼辦? 很擔心~

回答 (2)

2007-04-09 9:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
Don't wait until one week. Please bring your cat to see the Vet.

A cat's situation can get worse within a very short period of time.

If the original Vet can help, get a second opinion.

Spend more time with your cat and watch out his/her behavior, also collect his/her urine and faeces if possible and bring them to the Vet.

Hope your cat will recover soon.
參考: I have 4 cats at home.
2007-04-09 12:10 pm
快的見醫生again,Don't wait一星期後.

2007-04-12 08:41:41 補充:

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