I dont love my husband and want to leave him is it ok?

2007-04-09 12:51 am
It was an arranged marriage (10years) and I never loved him. I was always afraid of our society and culture. Now I think I can leave him. He has never worked and try to work. It's only me who is running the family and paying the bills. Plz help me.

回答 (33)

2007-04-09 12:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
Alot of marriages happen that way and if you don't love him and he will not work then leave him. Society and culture can go out the door. Why be miserable? Leave him, make him help him own self, in the end you will proably be helping him and yourself. Really, if you have tried everything and been honest thruout the whole thing,then it is time to go.
2007-04-09 12:56 am
You don't say where you live, but if you can leave him and take care of yourself, then please do. No woman should have to take care of a man who is lazy. He needs to learn to work and support himself.
2007-04-09 12:58 am
i personally think arranged marriages are the biggest mistake anyone can do, sure i understand culturely its hard to break from, but i suggest you leave him. If your not happy and he doesnt seem to care about the family you need to leave. Eventually this will lead to depression, a family is not truely a family if none of you care about each other. i mean thats what makes family so very important, your family is supposed to consist of the people youcare most about, and not loving your husband is like faking a family, for everyones best interest, see a marriage counsler if you think you can work it out, or leave. Just know, its going to be difficult, especially if your family doesnt support your decision
2007-04-09 12:58 am
Run like the wind you only have this one life,it`s yours enjoy it.
2007-04-09 12:57 am
Yes you canSo long as you work out where you are going to live and what you are going to live on. Good luck.
2007-04-09 12:57 am
Dump the loser.
2007-04-09 12:57 am
You should find a guy that you truly love and care about you. You shouldn't stay with him if you don't love him. There are plenty of men out there for you.
2007-04-09 12:56 am
HE'S USING YOU! Dump him GIRL! He doesn't diserve you! FOLLOW your HEART! But make sure your careful! I don't know your husband and different men ghave different reactions. Stand up for yourself! He's had his fun! It''s your turn to live your ife the way you always wanted to!
2007-04-09 12:56 am
if you don't feel comfortable in that relationship i think the best thing to do is going on with your life. you mental health is more important than anything anyone might think about you. your life continues and you need to go on. you deserve to be happy . good luck on your new life
2007-04-09 12:56 am
if you think it is safe for you to leave him and you can take care of yourself without him then leave him. Ten years is long too to be unhappy.
參考: Life
2007-04-09 12:56 am
You need to get your finances in order,and work out what your next move is going to be,a clear plan is needed.If as you say you want to leave.
2007-04-09 12:55 am
Sure, divorce him..
2007-04-09 12:55 am
Well get a divorce and try to find someone else, thats all you got to do. Its the right thing since you never have loved him.
Leave him, find someone you do love, and have a happy marriage, its the best thing you can do!
參考: Good Luck! And Happy Easter!
2007-04-09 12:55 am
yes i am sure u can leave him just cuz its arranged doesnt mean u cant leave him
2007-04-09 12:55 am
No one can make that decision for you. It is your life and you may do as you wish and what you think is best. I's see a councillor and a lawyer before you make a decision though to make sure its what you want and to know your legal options.
2007-04-09 12:55 am
2 words ''leave him'' if you dont love him then you shouldnt be with him point blank
2007-04-09 12:55 am
Only you can make the decision to leave him. Be strong, and you need to ask yourself if you can live like this the rest of your life. I truly wish you the best with which decision you make.
2007-04-09 12:55 am
I would have left him long a go. Theres no need to be treated like that!

Pack a bag for him and throw it out the door right after him!
2007-04-09 12:54 am
dump him
2007-04-09 12:55 am
...like an old sock...
2007-04-09 1:13 am
You seem to already have the answer but in reverse make him leave the house because you are the one who is supporting it. If there is no love then you have nothing. If you don't love someone in that way you may never learn to. Love is something that you have to let in naturally. If you want to leave then do so but as far as I see it he is the one should be leaving if the house was bought when you came about or you bought it together.
參考: Pretty In Pink
2007-04-09 1:09 am
You have my permission.
2007-04-09 1:07 am
if you feel that you need to lesve him( which you should)...then thst is totally your choice...but u need to leave him
2007-04-09 1:05 am
If you have made up your mind then leave him.
2007-04-09 1:02 am
LEAVE HIM!!! You have no reason to stay, you don't love him and you don't care about him. So just pack your bag and leave!!
2007-04-09 1:01 am
whoa thats a huge thing but you have to leave him....its not fair to either of you to sit and deal with an unwanted relationship....if you never loved him you should have stood up for your beliefs and feeling before you married but better late than never.....talk to him and tell him how you feel make sure that the both of you are on the same page and agree that a marriage is a marriage because of the love the couple have in common for eachother....let him know that the love you have for him is the puppy, not fully developed kind and that you dont think it can ever grow to be anything more....good luck on your relationship

always remember a marriage isnt a real marriage unless you both have that strong bond of love for eachother, dont feel bad on letting him go and begin his own life
2007-04-09 12:57 am
Leave. If he's abusive, form a plan before heading out, but if he's not abusive, find somewhere to live & just go. Have the divorce papers served after you're gone.

Arranged marriages occasionally work, but most of the time, this is what happens. Leave & let love come to you. You have my sympathy. Good luck!
2007-04-09 12:59 am
He may not want to work because he enjoys internet porn. Internet porn is much better than working and you are simply being selfish to his needs. You should probably get a second job and have a few more kids in order to get over this. If I were you I would give him a lap dance every Monday. I would bake him a cake every Tuesday. I would give him sexxxy time every Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. You should grill out for him in nothing but flip flops and whip cream over your nipples on Saturday. You should than go to church on Sunday with the kids followed by your new second job at the strip clup later that night.
2007-04-09 12:55 am
hey he might know how to operate history on the internet
2007-04-09 12:55 am
im not mad at u
參考: surpsie
2007-04-09 12:55 am
If you really want out.
Then get out.
2007-04-09 12:54 am
If you don't love him, how have you lived with him for 10 years?
2007-04-09 12:55 am
you mean you want to leave him because he is a "homemaker"

thats a full time job... and a damn hard one according to the majority of women on here.

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