
2007-04-09 7:41 am
無好答我大路野呀 =)
有無人可以講下Madrid, Barcelona,Avila, Segovia,Tarragona,Cordoba, Seville, Malaga, Toledo, Monsterrat, Consguerra,Merida, Ronda, Granda一d non-熱門景點?
另外除左Carmona,有無d 小鎮可以介紹下?

回答 (3)

2007-04-09 2:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
可以試下去 Figueres小鎮﹐那裡有Dali Museum. D exhibits 很得意的﹐從 Barcelona坐RENFE火車 1.5至 2小時就到。

參考: 我舊年去過西班牙
2007-04-09 7:51 am
been to Madrid and Barcelona myself, main spots were the stadiums!!! lol
it really depends on what you wanna do. Like I went there for sporting events and cultural learning so I visited loads of museum, stadiums, beaches...
BUT if you're going to Barcelona you HAVE TO go visit Las Ramblas. It's a paradise.
AND beware of pick pockets

anyway, you can always find loads of information from this site - www.tripadvisor.com

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