Job interview.. 下個星期就係喇.. 有一個大問題... 好擔心.

2007-04-09 7:32 am
我下個星期同埋後個星期都有 job interview.. 我係一個英國既留學生.. 宜家year 2.. 而份工係一年既industrial placement (based in uk)

我已經prepare 左一d basic 問題既答案.. 但係有一個好大既問題.. .令到我好擔心.....個問題就係........我 A- Levels 成績好差既.. 我想問大家既意見..

--> 我應該唔應該係interview 到提話我對自己既A- Levels感到失望? 如果應該.. 我同咩method 講會好d 呢?

--> 如果佢問到.. 我點答佢好呢?

我真係好希望得到呢一份工.. 因為我係好鍾意呢一科既..希望大家俾d 意見我..

回答 (3)

2007-04-09 8:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
Don't talk about so if the interviewer doesn't ask. If they ask, have to tell the fact, however, do not suggest to put too much focus on why/how you got that poor result; you could talk more about your accomplishment in Uni, A-level is just the examination for you to go for the professional education, your passion to get into the industry and how you can fit in the job are much much important (both skill and personality).

參考: interview experience
2010-06-27 8:20 am
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營業時間 : 3:00 pm - 10:00pm
2007-04-09 7:36 am
人地唔提你就唔好講,如果距地問起你就將你心裏面的想法講出來,TAKE IT EASY,放鬆心情就一定會成功的。

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