銀行既guarantee 系咩黎架?

2007-04-09 6:30 am
銀行既guarantee 系咩黎架?

回答 (2)

2007-04-09 10:38 pm
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簡單來說 , 是一份擔保契約 , 如果你簽了銀行的擔保契約 , 必需要依契約上的條款 , 即是說 , 如果借款人無力償還所欠貸款 , 你便要代為清還 , 要償還多少便視乎你所簽訂的契約條款 , 有些情況會是無限的 , 銀行有權要求你償還銀行的全部損失 , 所以擔保契約不能隨便簽署 , 是一份有法律效力必須負責的文件 .
2007-04-09 4:07 pm
It is an obligation (法律上的承諾) given by a 3rd party ( the guarantor 擔保人 ) to the bank to pay off the money lent to a person should that person( Borrower 借款人) is unable to pay off the debt i.e. default in payment. If the borrower can pay off some part of the loan e.g. $20 out from $100, the bank will demand the guarantor to pay off the remaining balance $80 plus accrued interest (累積利息).

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