(10分) 如果香港要實行全面民主 , 有什麼支持與反對的論據 ? 最好有例子

2007-04-09 5:39 am
Original Question : Give a critical account of the major arguements for and against full democracy in Hong Kong in the near future ?

回答 (1)

2007-04-09 7:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
Should not have universal suffrage:
1. Violate the harmony between HKSARG and the central government
2. The "readiness" problem
3. The civil engagement of HK people is still low
4. When wealth gap is not yet solved, the majority would tend to favour welfarism
5. The media is biased in picky the govt
6. Unlike most advanced countries, we dont have a public broadcaster to balance the speech. Citizens are misled by the media, thus.
7. The current level of representiveness is already enough
8. HK is a economic-oriented society. We should protect the interest of businessmen.
9. There is no good candidate and no good political development framework, no political party law, few chances form political aspirants.

Should have universal suffrage (u.s.):
1. Any advanced countries should have u.s.
2. It is the best balancing force to monitor the government
3. It is the only way that CE has real representation of the people
4. It is a good way to promot civil engagement
5. HK's education level is not low and should be ready already.
6. Political advancement help economic advancement. They go in parallel.
7. HK has a lot of fit candidates (depending on your views)
8. As a demostration to CP
9. It is the hope of the general public
10. If not, it is an excuse for the Western press to attack HK and this its economic development

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