Econ mc ~easy~

2007-04-09 3:08 am
Suppose the government gives out subsidies to Good X. The producers share no part of the subsidy benefits if
A. the demand for Good X is perfectly elastic
B. the demand for Good X is perfectly inelastic
C. the supply of Good X is perfectly elastic
D. the supply of Good X is perfectly inelastic
Why ans 唔可以係C ge ??

回答 (1)

2007-04-09 5:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
First, the government gives out subsidies to good x, so the supply of good x will increase as the cost of production will fall. thus, C and D must not be the correcr answer.

The answer should be B. If the demand is PERFECTLY INELASTIC, the consumers will enjoy the whole susidy benefit. And the price of good x will fall.

Answer A is wrong, if the demand is perfectly elastic, the producers will enjoy the whole subsidy benefit. The price will remain unchanged.
參考: myself

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