請問尼斯湖(Loch Ness) tour 在那裡可以book 到呢?

2007-04-09 2:23 am
thz ar

回答 (3)

2007-04-19 6:43 pm
唔係喇呱......答非所問都有最佳回答? #_#
2007-04-11 10:20 am
建議在 Inverness book, 那裡比較接近尼斯湖 (30分鐘巴士!!!), 而且一旦不滿意tour的價錢, 不需駭人聽聞的講解又想到湖一遊, 搭巴士去不過6鎊, 安排比較有彈性; Inverness是高地的交通中樞, 本身風景也優美, 很多人去蘇格蘭指定要來 Inverness, 不去尼斯湖, 也有很多tour選擇
參考: I reserched for my next trip
2007-04-09 3:28 pm
I have been Edinburgh last year, as I know, u can book the trip from the information centre beside the Rail station. Actually u can join 1 DAY if u just been Loch Ness. But ?I suggest u can join 2-3 days tour, the trip have been high land area. I see the photo there, but i have no time, very disappointed. Don't worry, the trip will be hold daily as I know.

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