About tortoise and turtles!

2007-04-09 1:27 am
I would likre to buy one of them, which one is better?
Thanks a lot!

回答 (1)

2007-04-09 1:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
Actually tortoise and turtles mean nearly the same thing.
They can have different meaning, depends which kind of english you are using.

In British English,
Turtles means 海龜, which lives in sea
Tortoises means 烏龜, which lives on land
There's even Terrapins, 淡水龜, living in freshwater area

In American English,
Every kind of turtles are "turtle", and tortoise specificly means turtle that lives on land, and those lives in sea are "sea turtle".

In Aussie,
Turtles means those living in sea or freshwater area, where as tortoises are those living on land.

If you are deciding which kind to buy, you can first consider what kind of living enviroment you may provide them with... you may ask the shop keeper and they may know which one suits you better.

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