
2007-04-09 12:57 am

如果有人譯到http://www.fysk.org/ 入面d 資料做英文都有分~

回答 (2)

2007-04-09 5:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
In 1988, the Penglai immortal hall obtained the Social Welfare Department subsidization, established the auspicious Chinese old person service center, reached to in 1996 to establish the Dabu old person service center, and established the non- government in 2000 January to subsidize "shows loving care for the elder service team", provided the multiplication for the northern area and the Dabu community and the township suburb village elder to move and to support the service, carried forward "the reverence for elders to protect the spirit old". The service objective - "the service old person, the grace society group" the Penglai immortal hall takes the various societies, with the various societies, positively participates in the promoted charitable business, especially in the peaceful old service aspect, hoped reaches to "always has the behavior, positive old age". Two old people services center besides provides individual support and peace and happiness activity, also provides the study and the participation opportunity of for the elder, thus encourages the elder friendly with -odd free time, raises the scholarship interest, the participation community life, hoped the elder melts into the community, the service other people and the society. In addition, also gives the opportunity to display individual ON potential, lets elders which has the rich life experience, may continue by reason of own ability to grow and to create the development ability the space, creates positive and the sumptuous old age. The service content individual service interest class group moves the community to participate in large-scale active health education document counselling and the transfer service service object is 60 year old or above elder address auspicious China old person service center Fenling auspicious Hua?hsiang the wisdom building underground 9-10th telephone: 26.690252 million facsimiles: 26.760944 million electricity postal: [email protected] Dabu old person service center Dabu green jade happy street 11th America abundant garden 1 building market 207-213 room telephone: 26.60999 million facsimiles: 266.202078 million electricity postal: [email protected]

2007-04-08 21:09:31 補充:
3.Pocket rate palace: presents an ancestor, Lu Ch'unyang the founder and the Qiu Changchun founder, the left mural has falls the dragon likeness of a god or buddha, the right wall is the crouching tiger likeness of a god or buddha, the crown day take the blue

2007-04-08 21:09:39 補充:
color as the bottom color, the picture has the pocket rate heavenly palace the appearance, nearby the palace has the cloud sea and , but the Manchurian crane soars in the cloud sea, is the heavenly palace symbol, in addition the cloud sea, is the god boundary.

2007-04-08 21:10:41 補充:
2007-04-09 6:00 am
Fung Ying Seen Koon

Dominating the skyline from its commanding site on a hillside overlooking the New Territories town of Fanling, the Fung Ying Seen Koon is a superb example of Taoist design and craftsmanship.

Its massive orange-tiled double roof, built to traditional design and supported by stout red pillars of stone, immediately catches the eye, almost beckoning the visitor to step up to its entrance and inspect the many examples of artistic craftsmanship to be found within its grounds.

The magnificent main hall of the Koon (Temple) stands amidst numerous pavilions and towers, all combining to present an enchanting picture-postcard scene from the China of yesteryear. Other features include a large pavilion in the garden, where vibrant flowerbeds and miniature bridges add a further magical touch to the scene.

The Fung Ying Seen Koon was founded as an affiliate of the Dragon Gate sect of the Complete Perfection Lineage. In the early days of the Fung Ying Seen Koon, the buildings were dilapidated and the equipment they used was simple and crude. Later, in 1929, through generous donations of Daoist directors, the Eastern Hall was built as a Quiet Chamber for Cultivating the Dao.

蓬 瀛 仙 館 臨 近 九 鐵 粉 嶺 站 , 創 立 於 1929 年 , 屬 道 教 全 真 龍 門 派 , 是 本 港 其 中 一 個 最 重 要 的 道 教 叢 林 。

道 教 全 真 龍 門 派 於 1929 年 籌 募 經 費 , 購 入 粉 嶺 目 前 館 址 , 初 年 興 建 簡 陋 房 舍 作 為 道 館 , 取 名 「 蓬 瀛 僊 館 」 , 以 供 奉 道 教 太 上 老 君 及 邱 長 春 兩 位 祖 師 。 及 後 於 1950 年 向 政 府 申 請 於 現 址 後 山 地 段 , 增 闢 園 林 。 於 1966 年 , 蓬 瀛 仙 館 正 式 註 冊 為 非 牟 利 慈 善 及 宗 教 團 體 。

館 內 大 殿 及 大 堂 建 築 宏 偉 , 別 具 特 色 。 花 園 內 的 大 涼 亭 可 遠 眺 粉 嶺 全 景 , 花 園 周 圍 有 小 橋 花 圃 , 景 致 優 雅 。 現 時 館 內 除 部 分 院 舍 局 部 開 放 予 訪 客 參 觀 及 享 用 齋 菜 外 , 大 部 分 均 作 為 宣 教 靜 修 之 用 。

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