stream of consciousness同monologue有乜唔同?

2007-04-09 12:00 am
stream of consciousness同monologue有乜唔同?

如果小說的敍述者不是用對白來表達一連串的想法,例如: 用幾段去寫自己點解想做乜,咁算唔算是stream of consciousness 的一種?


你可以幫我睇吓呢個算唔算stream of consciousness?

回答 (1)

2007-04-09 1:54 am
✔ 最佳答案

stream of consciousness 意識流,是 20 世紀小說的潮流,即是個寫法是作者想到甚麼便寫甚麼,沒有嚴謹的劇情故事結構,是反影小說主角內心多過外在所發生的事情。個寫法都幾凌亂,看的人會頭痛,特別是有些勁長不是一冊過的。 stream of consciousness 是那本書的寫法,是 NARRATIVE 陳述式, 不是甚麼獨白,不用角色說出來。

monologue 則是指 DRAMA 或 TV 內一個人在無其他角色在場的獨白,是及觀眾看到作者內心所想的方法。monologue 一定是要個角色說出來的。

不過,下面資料也有指出 monologue 也可以是 stream of consciousness,想到甚麼便說甚麼,也可以這樣說,但我們多數會是指 20 世紀小說的作法。

A monologue, pronounced monolog, is a speech made by one person speaking his or her thoughts aloud or directly addressing a reader, audience or character.
It is a common feature in drama, animated cartoons, and film.The word may also be applied to a poem in the form of the thoughts or speech of a single individual.Monologue is a common feature of opera when an aria, recitative or other sung section may carry out a function similar to that of spoken monologues in the theatre.Monologues are often found in twentieth century fiction.Comic monologues have become a standard element of entertainment routines on stage and television.

In literary criticism, stream of consciousness is a literary technique which seeks to portray an individual's point of view by giving the written equivalent of the character's thought processes. Stream-of-consciousness writing is strongly associated with the modernist movement. Its introduction in the literary context, transferred from psychology, is attributed to May Sinclair, but it is most famous for its use by James Joyce.

Stream-of-consciousness writing is usually regarded as a special form of interior monologue and is characterized by associative (and at times dissociative) leaps in syntax and punctuation that can make the prose difficult to follow, tracing a character's fragmentary thoughts and sensory feelings. Stream of consciousness and interior monologue are distinguished from dramatic monologue, where the speaker is addressing an audience or a third person, and is used chiefly in poetry or drama. In stream of consciousness, the speaker's thought processes are more often depicted as overheard (or addressed to oneself) and is primarily a fictional device. The term was first introduced to the field of literary studies from that of psychology by philosopher and psychologist William James, brother of the influential writer Henry James.

2007-04-17 23:24:19 補充:

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