whrite about my classmate

2007-04-08 7:05 pm
whrite about my classmate
my class have 41 people ( 19 girls & 22 boys )
1 of them never go to school( is a girl )
the boys are very \\ . /
but some girls are \\ . / too !
Some of my class are friend and helpful
but som is = ^ =
... = =""""" I don't know how to wrient
... HELP ME !!!

回答 (3)

2007-04-08 8:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案

if you are writing a class, you can make them in to groups and tell about them.

It is like what you say.

paragraph 1: what is your feeling about the whole class
paragraph 2: The boys are... give examples, 1 of them never comes to school
paragraph 3: The girls are... too, examples
paragraph 4: However, there are some friendly and helpful classmates
paragraph 5: repeat your feeling about the class in different words

2007-04-08 12:10:05 補充:
sorry, "make them in to groups" 個into吾小心隔左個格
2007-04-09 12:13 am
My classmates

I am a form 2 student and studying at St Mary Secondary School in Central. I have 41 classmates in the class and my teacher is Miss Chong. She is also the head of Chinese Department and running few evening activities.

We have a large group of people in the class, 19 female and 22 male. I know most of the classmates there but not everyone is close to me. Some of them are very friendly and we become good friends. The others are also helpful, it takes time to get to know everyone.

I go to evening class with some of the girls and we like catching. The boys like playing basketball at lunch time and they are more active than the girls. The girls will spend more time in the library than the boys.


I think this is what you are looking for, you didn't tell me too much about your classmates. I made up most of it but the best way to learn is to write by yourself. Try to do it yourself and not to rely on others... the correct spelling is 'write' not 'whrite' or 'wrient'.

Why not get few of your classmates to do the homework together... ? Always good to learn together.

Hope it helps.
2007-04-08 10:03 pm
There are forty-one students in my class
nineteen of them are girls
One of the girls never come to school
the boys are very........
but some girls are .... too
Some of my classmates are friendly and helpful
but some are....

fill in the blank???

very selfish

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