買琴 (旺角亞洲鋼琴城)

2007-04-08 6:30 pm
我想問下 :

旺角 雅蘭中心 的
「旺角亞洲鋼琴城」 信唔信得過的 ???


回答 (6)

2007-04-11 3:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
Not trustworthy! A friend of mine bought a Yamaha from them last year at a price of around HK$15,000. The sound quality of that piano deteriorated significantly after 6 months. As advised by some piano technicians, this piano is non-repairable.

My friend told me that this shop has provide a guarantee that they will buy back the piano within 3 years of purchase at half price. But considering the transportation and negotiation costs, I strongly suggest you get a new one.
參考: My friend
2007-04-10 6:18 pm
2007-04-10 3:15 am

你有幾多錢budget呀..?? 睇下可唔可以俾到d suggestion你啦...

P.S.I can help you to get extra discount, if you want to buy piano. If need any help, you can email to me
2007-04-09 9:40 am
唔信得過!!! I've seen on newspaper that 亞洲鋼琴城 they change all the parts & the serial number of the piano to make the old piano looks like a new one.
2007-04-08 6:43 pm
2007-04-08 6:33 pm
i feel 唔信得過!!!
參考: me

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