可唔可以幫我翻譯成英文ar....請不要用網上翻譯...那些很多gramma mistake...thx~~~

2007-04-08 3:32 pm
在她對母親模糊的殘存印象中,母親曾用一隻溫潤的手臂擁抱著她,用如滿月般慈愛的眼眸望著她,這是她珍藏在腦海裡,時時又在夢中想起最甜蜜回憶。然而,mary對 這個印象已逐漸糢糊,卻有著既渴望又怨恨的矛盾情結她一直無法理解為何母親忍心拋棄幼小的她而遠走她鄉。在她的認知裡,母親是一個婚姻失敗、拋棄她、不負責任人。
小時,每次在想念母親的時候,mary總是哭喊著祖父母帶她去美國找母親,而兩老總是淚眼以對的說:「妳媽媽在美國忙著工作,她也很想念mary,但她有她的苦衷,不能妳,mary原諒妳可憐的母親吧!總有一天妳會了解的。mary仍焦急的盼望母親這封祝福她十歲生日的來信。她打開從小時母親來信的寶物盒,在成疊的信中抽出一封已經泛黃的信是她六歲上幼稚園那年母親的來信:「上幼稚園了,會有很多小朋友陪妳玩,小芳要跟大家好好相處,要把衣服穿著整齊 ,頭髮指甲都要修剪乾淨。」另外一封是十六歲考高中的來信:「聯考只要盡力就好,以後的發展還是要靠真才 實學,才能在社會競爭中脫穎而出。」在這一封封筆跡娟秀的信中,流露出母親無盡的慈愛

回答 (1)

2007-04-08 6:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
In her remnant memories of her mother, her mother had held her in the warm arms and look at her with loves. These are the sweetest memories in her precious mind.

Notwithstanding, Mary is forgetting these memories. She does not know why her mother went away, having discarded her when she were young. As far as she is concerned, her mother is marriage-losing, herself-discarding, irresponsible person.

When Mary were young, once she had though her mother, she went to her grandparents for going to America to find her mother. Despite that, they were used to burst out crying and saying ' Your mother's very busy in America. She's also concern over you but she's ineffable difficulties. Therefore, please forgive your mother. You'll know about that one day.'

Now, Mary opens the box which is the storage of her mother's letters. She picks up a yellow one which was written to her when she went to kindergarten at 6: 'You're going to kindergarten in which there are many children play with you. Mary should get on well with them, should dress tidily and cut hair and nails cleanly.' Another one which she received when she examined at 16: 'You should strive your best to do the examination. Your further development depends on your real ability so that you can stand your own in the society.' These well handwritten letters are saying her mother's endless love.

可能有d gramma 錯左, 有d字串字, 不過都係盡左力去譯.......
參考: 自己用左成個鐘去譯

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