
2007-04-08 9:15 am

回答 (2)

2007-04-09 3:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
The personnel officer,
(你求職的公司的聯絡地址 /信箱 / e-mail …..)


Dear sir / madam,

Re: Application for the post of clerk

With reference to your advertisement on The Sun Daily News dated XX-XX-2007, I am much interested in the post of clerk, and wish to apply for it.

I am a secondary school graduate in 19xx /200x (年份). I admit myself as a responsible, honest and hard working person. Besides I know word processing, excel program and Chinese typing. I can speak in fluent Cantonese and English.

Here enclosed are my resume. I would be much grateful for your further consideration. Thank you.

Yours sincerely,

(Your name)

PS: 1)如果你懂普通話,便在 Cantonese and English尾加上 Putonghua.
2) 用另一張 A 4紙寫整齊的個人資料、學歷、公開試成績、興趣、專長,及按年份,順序寫出工作經驗

2007-04-08 9:53 pm
Please accept this letter and the enclosed resume as my application for the clerk position you advertised in the Hong Kong Sun Newspaper. I hold a Secondary School Diploma. I have practical knowledge in word, excel programmes as well as chinese typing...............

Sorry I don't know the exact name for the newspaper and the typing skill you mentioned.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 19:16:17
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