how do i get my life back on track?

2007-04-07 8:53 am
i feel unmotivated. i have no zest nor passion. i am at a loss everyday, and i don't know what to do. help me please!

回答 (15)

2007-04-07 8:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
find something that you most likely interested to do, such as play any sports that you like or go hang out with friends. Once you find something you are interested and you will automatically stay motivated.
參考: personal experience
2007-04-07 10:58 am
Think of things that you want to achieve, make a list and put dates of when you want them by........... Every day think of the goal and do something that can get you closer to it.
It can be hard work, but in time your motivation will kick in.
2007-04-07 10:18 am
Get a routine, so do voluntary work, take up a course at local college, speak on the phone to a trusted friend once a week, meet friends for lunch once a week etc
2007-04-07 9:35 am
when i feel bad or have no ambition to do anything, i do something for someone else....volunteer or do something to benefit will clear your mind and set you on the right track
2007-04-07 9:33 am
These are symptoms of depression - but that doesn't mean it definitely IS depression.

First, believe in yourself. No matter how bad things seem to get you WILL be OK in the end.

Second, stop brooding on all the bad things in your life. Take a piece of paper and write down all of the good things that have happened - if you can't think of anything ask a good friend or family member. You'll be surprised how long the list of good things really is.

Third, have a break from your situation. GO AWAY from your home for an hour or two to somewhere like a beach or forest and just get away from it all for a while.

Lastly, don't expect someone else to do all this for you.

If you enjoy being miserable, carry on as you are.

If you want to improve your life, YOU have to do something about it!
參考: Been there, done that, got the t-shirt
2007-04-07 9:32 am
I would take something simple like St. John's's a mood stabilizer, and may stabilize you enough so that you can work through your other issues. It does not make you a zombie...don't worry.
2007-04-07 9:08 am
I was in the same situation about a year ago. I went through a bad break up, spent 72 hours in a mental health unit at a hospital, and began out-patient treatment at a mental health unit. I got put on some meds and they helped a little. I just had no motovation to do anything. So i went through the summer and pretty much moped on it all. I was very suicidal, and unstable. When school started back up in the fall, i had a class called "occupational mentorship." It was a class that enabled me to explore the career of my choice. Seeing as i was interested in a certian career i signed up for that. Throught out my whole class i had structure, i had to be there at a certian time, do certian things, and it was very interesting. It got my mind off of everything that was bugging me. What i guess i'm saying is find something your interested in, and go for it. Structure is one of the most important things (for me anyway) when i was trying to get my life back on track. Find something you like doing and do it as often as you can...

Sorry for the long post, but this really worked for me...
2007-04-07 9:04 am
Set some goals in your life...they don't have to be spectacular like making a million, but it could start by aiming to run a Marathon in say two years, or looking into studying a foreign language, all this can be done bit by bit. How about learning to play a musical instrument....You say 'back on track' so you must have been there at one time...look back on that time and get positive feedback from the good times. Life is not a rehearsal (I know thats a cliche but true) so get on with it, it will be gone before you know it.....
2007-04-07 9:03 am
I agree with the answers of checking it out with a physician for depression. You can also start to take control of your life again by writing a list for yourself of all the good things in a day and also one of all the good things that you are. It's amazing, but the mind has lots of power to get you through if you do the work. Try getting Louise Hay's book YOU CAN HEAL YOUR LIFE. She explains it all so wonderfully and it costs about $20 You can also find support in some online groups... if you are interested, send me an email and I'll try to help you with finding one [email protected]
2007-04-07 9:01 am
How long has this been going on?? Can you link it to anything, such a death in the family, loss of job, auto accident???

Could be the winter blahs! Maybe a few days of nice weather will help. Perhaps getting away for a weekend?

It could be mild depresion. See your dr, and perhaps he would want to put you on an antidepressant.Most have no side affects, are not addictive, and do work.
Good luck,
2007-04-07 9:00 am
everyone goes through times like this in their life, you need to find a focus and look for some long term goals in your life.i felt like this in the year 2000 and started going to the gym and started long distance helped me to turn my life around. i lost loads of weight and gained muscle.i ran many marathons and raised thousands of pouds for charity as well as gaining confidence and self i am in a relationship and happier than ever, so you can make changes for the better you just need to want to change and want it bad enough.
2007-04-07 8:57 am
Classic depression. See your doctor about counselling and medication. Believe me, they can work wonders, been there.
2007-04-07 8:57 am
i would go to a doctor and be tested for depression because that seems to be a few of the many symptoms
2007-04-07 8:57 am
try doing some gardening as you watch your plants grow so will your confidence physical exserciise will be good for your all round health
2007-04-07 8:57 am
I dont think anyone can really say anything to help you. You have to want to help yourself. My advice would only be to get motivated. You have to pull that from inside yourself. Find something you enjoy doing or that you are good at. Do it in your free time. maybe look for a new job that makes you happier (or just get a job in general if you dont work.) We only have a limited amount of time on this earth and you dont want to waste it!

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