Global Warming(全球暖化)

2007-04-08 7:46 am
有冇人可以俾D你地對於Global Warming(全球暖化)既意見我呀!!!!超趕超急!!!!2日內要俾到answer我!!!!!!請各位有心人幫幫忙!!!!

P.S : 最好俾英文既answer我! PLS!

回答 (2)

2007-04-08 10:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Global Warming In Brief - Q&A

Are humans causing the climate to change?
98% of total global greenhouse gas emissions are natural (mostly water vapor); only 2% are from man-made sources.

By most accounts, man-made emissions have had no more than a minuscule impact on the climate. Although the climate has warmed slightly in the last 100 years, 70% percent of that warming occurred prior to 1940, before the upsurge in greenhouse gas emissions from industrial processes. (Dr. Robert C. Balling, Arizona State University)

A Gallup survey indicated that only 17% of the members of the American Meteorological Society and the American Geophysical Society thought the warming of the 20th century was the result of an increase in greenhouse gas emissions.

If global warming occurs, will it be harmful?
The idea that global warming would melt the ice caps and flood coastal cities seems to be mere science fiction. A slight increase in temperature -- whether natural or mankind induced -- is not likely to lead to a massive melting of the earth ice caps, as sometimes claimed in the media. Also, sea-level rises over the centuries relate more to warmer and thus expanding oceans, not to melting ice caps.

Contrary to some groups' fear mongering about the threat of diseases, temperature changes are likely to have little effect on the spread of diseases. Experts say that deterioration in public health practices such as rapid urbanization without adequate infrastructure, forced large scale resettlement of people, increased drug resistance, higher mobility through air travel, and lack of insect-control programs have the greatest impact on the spread of vector-borne diseases.

Larger quantities of CO2 in the atmosphere and warmer climates would likely lead to an increase in vegetation. During warm periods in history vegetation flourished, at one point allowing the Vikings to farm in now frozen Greenland.
2007-04-08 10:17 pm
Global warming is not a good efect, it reflects that we are not good enough to take care about the earth, and so the earth will become very hot! And it may cause a lot of hot sick and make the ice in the 2 poles melt, so we need to stop Global warming.
參考: Me

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