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that 是 relative pronoun, 話明是 pronoun (代名詞), 一定要有主體先啦. 佢係用來代替死物同人.
好似: Have you seen my schoolbag? It is red in colour.
你可以用 relative pronoun 連接兩句, 因為2句入面都有同一物件: "schoolbag".
在 schoolbag 後加 "that", 而 "that" 已代替了 "it", 咁 "it 就不用寫出來, 變成:
Have you seen my schoolbag that is red in colour.
My schoolbag is really ungly. It is red in colour.
--> My schoolbag that is red in colour is really ugly.
Have you seen a boy who/ that is wearing glasses?
"who 同 "that" 都o岩的.
其他 relative pronouns: whose, when, where
如句中有逗號, 咁唔用得 "that", 要用 "which" 代替死物; "who" 是人
e.g. My father, who is 50 years old, will retire soon.
代表個句是 non defining clause, 即加上去個句 "who is 50 years old" 不是好重要的資料, 唔加都唔會令人get唔到講者的意思.
好似 McDonalds' 是 fast food shop 你一定知啦, 咁我會用 non defining clause.
咁我: McDonalds', which is a fast food shop, is popular among teenagers.
但 GhJU, 你唔知是咩啦, 咁我講 GhJU is popular among teenagers. 你都唔明GhJU是什麼. 我就要用 defining clause;
GhJU that is a PC game is popular among teenagers.