chinese typing

2007-04-08 7:06 am
i could not type in chinese
the problem is........the lanugaue bar in the bottom of right corner is disappeared
hence i could not change the typing method in there as usual
even I cannot see any related icon/item in "control desk" to solve the problem
what's happen and is there any solution to this??

my computer is in chinese version
i will appreciate if you could say the terms in chinese
thx a lot~~~~

but i cannot click in the language tool list another method to right click the blue bar in the bottle there is also without the language list inside the tool list

回答 (1)

2007-04-08 7:16 am
✔ 最佳答案

2007-04-10 07:57:39 補充:
你試左上面個方法啦???按開始>控制台, 跟住follow上面d步驟喔「but i cannot click in the language tool list」<<<li句你係講緊邊個tool list?有冇試過按shift ctrl call個速入法啊~你試左keyboard吾得的話, 用控制台 o既 方法應該ok的喔~

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