我想問 al 同 ce 的分別。

2007-04-08 4:56 am
而家都已經係 中6 的下學期 la~ 我都係唔明 al 同 ce 有咩唔同。
我同響 ce 的時候一樣。 上堂唔聽書,落堂唔溫書。
考試測驗前先溫,而且仲溫耐左。 (e.g. ce: 1日1科 al:1.5~2日1科)
但係都係得 50~6X 分左右。 ce時起碼有 70 分加碼。
我想問的就係, al 應該如何讀書才對呢 ?

回答 (1)

2007-04-11 8:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
I think there is 2 significant differents .
For the first one, the syllabus of AL is more detailed. One main point, half mark.You can imagine that how detail the AL is required. You need to answer a question from a lot of wisdom, you will miss things easily.
For the second one, AL require a lot of out-syllabus but related wisdom.
I am a form 6 student too. I think you should review the things that taught at that day. In addition, you should read more science book to improve your knowledge.
Besides, english is a improtant subject in AL.
參考: me

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