London and Scoltland

2007-04-07 9:13 pm
請問7月去london 來回機票價錢如何?

OASIS 是否已經係最便宜?

另外, 有沒有去由LONDON 去SCOLTLAND行程, 可供參考???


回答 (2)

2007-04-08 7:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
7月份其實都開始係high season,睇係幾時囉,月頭仲有機會有平,但你都要預最少6500以上,聽聞OASIS係好平,but始終係high season你要自己check啦,至於由london去scotland睇你去scotland邊道囉,scotland好大嘛,而你可坐飛機,火車或巴士,當然巴士係最平,但時間最耐,而火車大約5-8個鐘,但有時可能仲貴過機票。
2007-04-09 3:32 pm
I have been uk last year. I get flight from H.K to London, just stay 1 night first at london, then take train to Edinburgh at mroning around 0530, 5 hrs. I suggest u take train, because u can see many many good vieew on the way, just like a picture.

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