
2007-04-07 8:57 pm

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2007-04-11 4:30 am
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比薩餅披薩(Pizza),是一種在全球頗受歡迎的發源於義大利的食品。披薩的通常做法是用發酵的圓麵餅上面覆蓋西紅柿醬,乳酪和其他配料由烤爐烤制而成。乳酪通常用mozzarella乳酪,也有混用幾種乳酪,包括parmesan, romano, ricotta 或 Monterey Jack等。



“ Their homely fare dispatch'd, the hungry band
Invade their trenchers next, and soon devour,
To mend the scanty meal, their cakes of flour.
Ascanius this observ'd, and smiling said:
"See, we devour the plates on which we fed." ”
“ 家常的飯菜上來了,饑餓的一伙人
「看,我們把盤子也吃掉了。」 ”

公元前3世紀,羅馬的第一部歷史中提到:「圓麵餅上加橄欖油,香料和蜂蜜,置於石上烤熟」;以及「薄麵餅上面放乳酪和蜂蜜,並用香葉加味」[1]。在龐貝遺址,考古學家也發現了類似現今比薩店的房址。儘管上述的食品與今天的披薩很相似,然而現在披薩必須的兩種原料:西紅柿和mozzarella 乳酪,當時還沒有傳到義大利和地中海地區。

西紅柿是在16世紀由美洲傳入歐洲的。到18世紀晚期,這種放西紅柿的發酵麵餅已成為那不勒斯地區窮人的家常食品。披薩逐漸為人們所喜歡,甚至吸引外地的遊客專程前往品嘗。1830年前,披薩都是由攤販或比薩烤房在露天售賣的。這時期的那不勒斯出現了世界上第一家真正的比薩飯館:Antica Pizzeria Port Alba。

The bread base of the pizza is called the crust. Its thickness may vary widely according to style: thin as in hand-tossed pizza, thick as in pan pizza, or very thick as in Chicago-style pizza.

In restaurants, pizza can be baked in a gas canister (stone bricks above the heat source) oven, an electric deck oven, a conveyor belt oven or, in the case of more expensive restaurants, a wood- or coal-fired brick oven. On deck ovens, the pizza can be slid into the oven on a long paddle called a peel and baked directly on the hot bricks or baked on a screen (a round metal pan that has holes in it like a screen). When making pizza at home, it can be baked on a "pizza stone" in a regular oven to imitate the effect of a brick oven. Another option is grilled pizza, in which the crust is baked directly on a barbecue grill. Greek pizza, like Chicago-style pizza, is baked in a pan rather than directly on the bricks of the pizza oven.

In home-made pizza, there are many variations on the bread used for crust. In some countries, creations such as pita pizza, bagel pizza, matzo pizza and tortilla pizza are popular, especially with children. In Japan, where full-size ovens are a rarity in the home, pizza toast is a popular version.
參考: me
2007-04-07 9:05 pm

好耐之前有個意大利人(馬可波羅)黎到中國,將中國燒餅(pizza)帶返意大利 成為pizza!!!
2007-04-07 9:01 pm


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薄餅(Pizza),是一種在全球頗受歡迎的發源於義大利的食品。薄餅的通常做法是用發酵的圓麵餅上面覆蓋西紅柿醬,乳酪和其他配料由烤爐烤制而成。乳酪通常用mozzarella乳酪,也有混用幾種乳酪,包括parmesan, romano, ricotta 或 Monterey Jack等。

[編輯] 歷史

Their homely fare dispatch'd, the hungry band
Invade their trenchers next, and soon devour,
To mend the scanty meal, their cakes of flour.
Ascanius this observ'd, and smiling said:
"See, we devour the plates on which we fed."


公元前3世紀,羅馬的第一部歷史中提到:「圓麵餅上加橄欖油,香料和蜂蜜,置於石上烤熟」;以及「薄麵餅上面放乳酪和蜂蜜,並用香葉加味」[1]。在龐貝遺址,考古學家也發現了類似現今比薩店的房址。儘管上述的食品與今天的薄餅很相似,然而現在薄餅必須的兩種原料:西紅柿和mozzarella 乳酪,當時還沒有傳到義大利和地中海地區。
西紅柿是在16世紀由美洲傳入歐洲的。到18世紀晚期,這種放西紅柿的發酵麵餅已成為那不勒斯地區窮人的家常食品。薄餅逐漸為人們所喜歡,甚至吸引外地的遊客專程前往品嘗。1830年前,薄餅都是由攤販或比薩烤房在露天售賣的。這時期的那不勒斯出現了世界上第一家真正的比薩飯館:Antica Pizzeria Port Alba。
Bread is one of humankind’s oldest prepared foods and dates back at least to the neolithic. Records of people adding other ingredients to bread to make it more flavoursome date back at least as far as the Persian Empire when it is said that soldiers of Darius the Great (521-486 B.C.) baked a kind of bread flat upon their shields and then covered it with cheese and dates. In the 3rd century BC, the first history of Rome, written by Cato the Elder also mentions a “flat round of dough dressed with olive oil, herbs, and honey baked on stones”[citation needed] and in the 1st century BC, Virgil refers to the ancient idea of bread as an edible plate or “trencher” for other foods in this extract from the Aeneid:

Their homely fare dispatch’d, the hungry band
Invade their trenchers next, and soon devour,


Focaccia: an ancient Mediterranean flatbread.
To mend the scanty meal, their cakes of flour.
Ascanius this observ’d, and smiling said:
“See, we devour the plates on which we fed.”
These flatbreads, like pizza, are from the Mediterranean area and two examples of flat breads that survive to this day from the ancient mediterranean world are "focaccia" which may date back as far as the Ancient Etruscans and Greeks and "Pita" whose name may share the same root as the word “pizza”. Other flat breads with added toppings and ingredients are found throughout the world today like the Turkish "Pide"[1], the Indian "Paratha" and the German "Flammkuchen".

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