Burn out

2007-04-07 8:32 pm
物理上, bulb burn out 即係點解
bulb short circuit 又點解?

回答 (2)

2007-04-08 12:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
[Bulb burnt out] means the bulb has been burnt because of too large current passing throught it. It will then be broken down and will not give out light any more.
[Bulb short circuit] means the bulb has been by-passed, i.e. current doesn't flow through the bulb.
2007-04-07 8:36 pm
blub burn out 咪姐係個燈泡燒左
試問燒左仲form 唔form 到complete circuit?
form 唔到complete circuit 係咪姐係short circuit?
circuit 得兩種..(p.s. 本人CE lv..只聽過兩種..有錯請更正)
一種係complete circuit...另一種係short circuit

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