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2007-04-07 8:27 pm
舞蹈。尤其是在節慶活動時,更可看到因區域、人文、氣候、歷史條件下所發展出各具特色的傳統服飾與舞蹈。 我們以區域來分成幾個較具代表性的服飾、舞蹈類別,逐一介紹如下: (1)西北部沿海地區......包括了GALICIA加利西亞、CANTABRIA甘達布里省、PAIS VASCO巴斯克各省,此地區為多雨溼潤的地帶,由無數河川切割成的峽谷及山巒組成。其中以加利西亞省有著最多樣化的傳統服飾。當地婦女為方便於工作,穿著不是很長的裙子

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2007-04-07 8:30 pm
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西班牙傳統服飾,就像西班牙人的熱情開朗,有著豐富且強烈對比色彩。 Dr.eye: Spanish traditional dress, as optimistic as Spaniards' enthusiasm, have abundant and strong contrast color. 較為人所熟知的是南部安達魯西亞地區(身著豔麗色彩,大波浪裙擺及袖口的傳統服飾)Flamenco佛朗明哥舞者。 Dr.eye: That is relatively known very well is southern west Asia of Shandong of Anda (wear gorgeous color, the skirt pendulum of large wave and traditional dress of the cuff) Bright Ming brother dancer, Buddha of Flamenco. 其實在其他區也有許多頗具地方特色的傳統服飾與舞蹈。 Dr.eye: In fact there are a lot of traditional dress and dance with local characteristic too in other districts. 這些各地區獨特的地方性傳統服飾,加上好動開朗西班牙人有著濃厚民族色彩的音樂,形成了非常吸引人的西班牙傳統 Dr.eye: These unique local traditional dress of every area, in addition, active optimistic Spaniards have music of the thick national in color, have formed very attractive Spain tradition
舞蹈。 Dr.eye: Dance. 尤其是在節慶活動時,更可看到因區域、人文、氣候、歷史條件下所發展出各具特色的傳統服飾與舞蹈。 Dr.eye: Especially can see that because develop out the traditional dress and dance with characteristics under the area, humanity, climate, historical condition even more in the festival celebration activity. 我們以區域來分成幾個較具代表性的服飾、舞蹈類別,逐一介紹如下: (1)西北部沿海地區......包括了GALICIA加利西亞、CANTABRIA甘達布里省、PAIS VASCO巴斯克各省,此地區為多雨溼潤的地帶,由無數河川切割成的峽谷及山巒組成。 Dr.eye: We divide into several pieces of more representative dress, dance classification with the area, introduce as follows one by one: (1)Coastal area of the northwestern part ......Including GALICIA Gary west Asia, CANTABRIA reach province, PAIS VASCO Busk every province in cloth sweetly, this area is the area where many rain is moist, made up by the gorge that countless rivers and creeks cut and chain of mountains. 其中以加利西亞省有著最多樣化的傳統服飾。 Dr.eye: Among them there is the most diversified traditional dress with Gary province of west Asia . 當地婦女為方便於工作,穿著不是很長的裙子 Dr.eye: Local women are convenient in the work, it is not a very long skirt to wear
以呢料之紅、綠、棕色或紫色的裙子居多),上面裝飾有黑色帶狀條紋,以及飾有絲帶或玻璃珠的圍裙。 Dr.eye: In the majority with the red, green, brown or purple skirt of the material) ,Decorate black belt stripe above, and is decorated with the apron with or glass pearl of silk.
參考: Dr.eye
2007-04-09 3:09 pm
舞蹈。尤其是在節慶活動時,更可看到因區域、人文、氣候、歷史條件下所發展出各具特色的傳統服飾與舞蹈。 我們以區域來分成幾個較具代表性的服飾、舞蹈類別,逐一介紹如下: (1)西北部沿海地區......包括了GALICIA加利西亞、CANTABRIA甘達布里省、PAIS VASCO巴斯克各省,此地區為多雨溼潤的地帶,由無數河川切割成的峽谷及山巒組成。其中以加利西亞省有著最多樣化的傳統服飾。當地婦女為方便於工作,穿著不是很長的裙子
The Spanish tradition clothing, looks like Spanish's enthusiasm to be open and bright, has rich and contrasts the color intensely. What the human knew very well is south the Anda Lu West Asia area (wear Li color, big wave skirt suspends and sleeve cuff's traditional clothing) Flamenco Buddha bright Ming Ge the dancer. Actually also has in other areas many have the local characteristics traditional clothing and the dance. These various local unique local tradition clothing, the active open and bright Spanish has the thick national characteristics music in addition, has formed the very appealing Spain traditional dance. In particular when the festival celebrates the activity, because may see under the region, the humanities, the climate, the historic condition to develop the unique traditional clothing and the dance. We divide into several by the region to have the representative clothing, the dance category, introduces as follows one by one: (1) northeast part coastal area ......Has included the GALICIA Ghali West Asia, in CANTABRIA Gan Dabu the province, PAIS VASCO Busk various provinces, this area for the rain 溼 Run's region, the canyon and the mountain range which cuts by the innumerable rivers composes. And has the diverse traditional clothing by the Ghali West Asia province. The local woman for the convenience in the work, is putting on is not the very long skirt by the material for woolen goods red, green, brown or the purple skirt majority), above decorates has the black belt-shaped stripe, as well as decorated with ribbon or beaded glass apron.
2007-04-07 8:39 pm
The Spanish tradition clothing, looks like Spanish's enthusiasm to be open and bright, has rich and contrasts the color intensely. What the human knew very well is south the Anda Lu West Asia area (wears the Li color, big wave skirt suspends and sleeve cuff's traditional clothing) Flamenco Buddha bright Ming Ge the dancer. Actually also has in other areas many have the local characteristics traditional clothing and the dance. These various local unique local tradition clothing, the active open and bright Spanish has the thick national characteristics music in addition, has formed the very appealing Spain traditional dance. In particular when the festival celebrates the activity, because may see under the region, the humanities, the climate, the historic condition to develop the unique traditional clothing and the dance. We divide into several by the region to have the representative clothing, the dance category, introduces as follows one by one: (1) northeast part coastal area ......Has included the GALICIA Ghali West Asia, in CANTABRIA Gan Dabu the province, PAIS VASCO Busk various provinces, this area for the rain Run's region, the canyon and the mountain range which cuts by the innumerable rivers composes. And has the diverse traditional clothing by the Ghali West Asia province. The local woman for the convenience in the work, is putting on is not the very long skirt by the material for woolen goods red, green, brown or the purple skirt majority), above decorates has the black belt-shaped stripe, as well as decorated with ribbon or beaded glass apron.

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