F.1 English's Maths - Volumes of Simple Figues

2007-04-07 6:24 pm
1. The length, width and height of the outer part of an open rectangular wooden box are 80 cm, 70 cm and 60 cm respectively. The thickness of the wood used is 2 cm.
(a) Find the capacity of the box.

(b) Find the volume of the wood used.



回答 (3)

2007-04-07 7:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 一個無蓋木盒的長度, 闊度及高度分別是 80 厘米, 70厘米及60厘米. 而木盒的木板厚度是2厘米.
(a) 求木盒的容量
(b) 求木板的體積

1. (a) 木盒的內部長, 闊及高分別是 / The inner measures of the wooden box are:
長度 / Length : 80cm - 2cm - 2cm (總長度減去兩邊木板厚度)
闊度 / Width : 70cm - 2cm - 2cm (總闊度減去兩邊木板厚度)
高度 / Height : 60cm - 2cm (總高度減去底板厚度)

算式如下 / Calculation as follow :
(80 - 2 - 2) cm x (70 - 2 - 2) cm x (60 - 2) cm
= 76cm x 66cm x 58cm
= 290,928 cm ^3

1. (b) 用木盒的總體積減去內部空間的容量 / Deduct the capacity of the box from the total volume of the box

算式如下 / Calculation as follow :

木盒的總體積 / The total volume of the box
80cm x 70cm x 60cm
= 336,000 cm ^3

336,000 cm ^3 - 290,928 cm ^3
= 45,072 cm ^3
2007-04-14 12:19 am
2007-04-07 6:33 pm
a) Since the thickness of the open box is 2cm, the inner dimension is (80-4) cm, (70-4)cm and (60-2)cm.
Capacity = 76 * 66 * 58
= 290928 cm^3 --- Ans.

b) Volume of the wood used can be calculated by the whole volume of the box minus the capacity of the box.

V = 80 * 70 * 60 - 290928
= 45072 cm^3 --- Ans.

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