加拿大人的衣著(the clothing of Canadian)

2007-04-07 6:06 pm

回答 (2)

2007-04-07 8:55 pm
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I somewhat agreed to noel, in general speaking, Canadian clothing is not as trendy as in Hong Kong.

But there are several reasons to consider. It's all depends on which city, age group and background you are looking at, for example, in Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal; some people there are very fashionable, some of them even leading the trend. Young adults, teenagers and professionals, some of them are very trendy, too. I just want to say they wear the appropriate attire.

Sometimes, I found TRENDY is very personal and regional.

Also weather is a big concern, the summer in Canada is very short. It's been snowing for the last two days in Toronto, and expected to be like this for the next two days, in this kind of weather, how trendy/fashionable can you be?
2007-04-07 8:05 pm
There actually nothing special about the Canadian clothing. It is because Canada is really close to the United States, the fashion trend obvious the same. Of course, compare to Hong Kong, you will find that Canadian clothings are not not trendy. This is my personal opinion.

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