pH 數問

2007-04-07 5:24 pm
1.for same volume of dil. sulphuric acid 同 conc. sulphuric acid 邊個 pH value 低d~?? 是否那acid一定係較低 for all any condition~?

2.for same volume of NaOH 同 Na2CO3 邊個 pH value 高d~?? 是否那alkali一定係較高 for all any condition~?

回答 (1)

2007-04-07 7:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.Dilute sulphuric acid is lower. Because conc. sulp. has very less hydrogen ion. Therefore, in most experiment, we cannot see their acidic property. This is a special case for conc acid has higher pH value.
2. NaOH. Actually, pH = -log[H+], in AL Chemistry, you will learn more about it in the topic "acid equilibrium". On the other hand, generally, alkaline has higher pH value.

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