how to quit gambling, please answer in detailed

2007-04-07 10:39 am
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回答 (1)

2007-04-08 12:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
We should understand the meaning of pathological gambling first.
What is pathological gambling(病態賭博)?
Gambling is a kind of pastime for many people. About 90% of men in Hong Kong have taken part in some sort of gambling, such as horseracing, mahjong, card games, lottery and various other casino games. To a certain extent, gambling seems to be a part of our culture. However, when a person's gambling behaviour becomes out of control and characterized by a continual need to gamble, even when the person experiences difficulties and distress from gambling, he may be suffering from pathological gambling.
How can I prevent it? 預防勝於治療
The best way to prevent your gambling behaviour from getting out of control is to recognize the early warning signs of pathological gambling and to seek assistance whereas appropriate.
What are the early warning signs?
The following signs may signal that someone may be developing or have developed a problem with gambling:
~~Go or think about gambling everyday.
~~Frequent the gambling venues alone and more often.
~~Stay longer at the venue than intended.
~~Spend more and more time on gambling than other favourite activities.
~~Lose time from work or school due to gambling.
~~Spend the last dollar on gambling.
~~Chase the losses by continuing to gamble.
~~Argue with family or friends over money matters.
~~Not talking honestly to anyone about the frequency and the amount of money spent on gambling.
~~Feel depressed or frustrated and have problems in sleeping because of gambling.
How to quit gambling, please answer in detailed
What is the treatment?
Treatment for pathological gambling includes counseling to raise self-management ability (see How can I help myself). A good counselor can help you to work out how best to manage your gambling problem. In some cases, the doctor may prescribe medications to control the feeling of anxiety or depression caused by compulsive gambling.
How can I help myself?
Gambling is a habitual behaviour. Breaking it may be hard but it is possible if you are determined. You could try out the following self-management measures:
~~Avoid the venue- Find and substitute other interesting things you can do during the times when you tend to gamble.
~~Set a limit- Stop gambling when you hit the limit no matter you are winning or losing.
~~Control the cash flow- Limit the availability of cash and protect your earnings by e.g. arranging to have daily withdrawal limit on your bank account, setting up joint account that requires two signatures, paying bills electronically, or putting a "no more credit" notation on your credit accounts.
~~Manage stress- Take regular exercise (e.g. jogging) and learn some relaxation methods (such as meditation, yoga) or do things that enable you to relax (e.g. listen to music, hanging out with friends) to reduce boredom and ease your nerve.
~~Keep a record- Diary may help you to understand your gambling activities, identify trends and patterns. For example, you go gambling when you feel bored or depressed, when you have cash on hand, or when you need money. The recordings can help you to look for different ways to cope with your desires.
If you want to discuss your gambling problem but you do not feel comfortable talking about it in front of others or with anyone you know, you can try telephone counseling services which can give you opportunity to discuss things anonymously. Telephone counseling has worked well for many men.
Telephone counseling services (link)、賭博行為測試 (link);工福問題賭徒復康中心信望愛戒賭復康計劃 (link)
Info. from:Department of Health - Men's Health Website Home | ENGLISH | 繁體中文版 (links);

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