
2007-04-07 7:17 am
本人知香港最常見的建築工程, 好似起樓咁, client 對落有Main Contractor, 之後再有sub Contractor, 分判的情況好常見, 而工人的人工通常係以job/ 日 計, 散工

而外國就只有main contractor 而已, 所有工人都係inhouse的, 有冇工開都照出糧

呢問除此以外, 仲有冇其它的分別呢?~ thx !!!

回答 (2)

2007-04-08 9:14 am
✔ 最佳答案

據我所知,美國的工程分工務工程(public works)及私人工程(on-site development)兩大類。法例規定,任何項目都需要具備相關的執照認許資格才可承包,如木工、電工、混凝土工、渠務等。工務工程總承建商(prime contractor)通常只承辦部份項目,再將非自己專長的項目sub-out to sub-contractor,跟香港差不多。

而On-site development則多由Builder/Developer主導,他們通常負責大項目工程如Grading,Earthwork,Concrete Pouring,Foundation 等主要項目 ,多數只有工頭是公司僱員,其他大部份工人多數是free lance,以日薪計,多勞多得。同樣有sub-contractor負責非自己專長的項目。而大部份free lance 工人都是工會會員,有最低工資法例保障工人櫂益。這點跟香港不同。


2007-04-11 14:42:22 補充:
I've been working in the construction industry in Los Angeles for long....
2007-04-10 10:52 pm
For your first question:
In New South Wales, Fair Trading Department assigns two categories:
Item 1. Building Contractor - Builder Licence
Item 2. Specialist Contractors - Licences in specific catergories, such as electrical, pumbling & drainage, security, etc.

The party/company who is responsible for all construction works, who is named "Main contractor". It is generally referred to item 1. However, item 2 can also be "Main contractor" if the construction work just includes Building Services' works.

My NSW company has three licences in item 2.

For your second question:
The mentioned situation in Hong Kong and Australia are the same.
Main contractor can have either permanent employee (you called them "inhouse") or part time employee. It is well dependent on the size of project you are having.

You have to learn a lot, kid!

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