runescape 的 puests!!!!!!!!

2007-04-07 5:51 am
我唔知runescape quests:lmp catcher 點做?

red,yellow,black bead 係邊到有?

回答 (7)

2007-04-08 5:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Imp Catcher

Length: Medium
Requirements: N/A

所需物品: 沒有

Quest Points Reward: 1

Reward: 875 Magic experience and an Amulet of Accuracy (+4 Weapon Aim).

Start Point: Wizard's Tower

To Start: Speak to Wizard Mizgog


同 Wizard Mizgog 傾計, 佢話你知佢唔見左 4種色既念珠, 分別係紅色, 白色, 黑色及黃色, 佢話係Wizard Grayzag's Imp 偷了佢既念珠

你可以係Karamja dungeon/volcano and south of Falador 找到 Imp, 殺死牠們你可以找到 4色念珠, 當集齊4色念珠回去找Wizard Mizgog 完成任務

註: 若果你需要去 Karamja 殺 Imp, 你要在 Port Sarim 坐船往返, 船費為 30gp each turn, 需要帶定 60gp 作為船費
2007-04-15 9:41 pm
你可以在碼頭坐船過去魔神洞:(要30gp)在魔神洞入口周圍見到很多imp,你殺了牠們就有red,yellow,black bead
參考: me
2007-04-14 9:15 pm
打imp 有 red,yellow,black bead
o吾識做quest 可以去 不過係英文網站,入面仲有好多資料o架!
2007-04-11 5:44 pm
kill lvl 2 imp
2007-04-08 7:01 am

Talk to Wizard Mizgog. He will tell you he has lost his beads which are Red bead, White bead, Black bead and the Yellow bead. He will also tell you that Wizard Grayzag's Imp has stolen the beads. Tell him that you will return the beads to him.

You can find some imps next to the room where you are. Kill some regular Imps to get the beads. Be patient, Imps don't drop them consistently. Areas to find Imps are around the Karamja dungeon/volcano and south of Falador. If you don't want to kill Imps, don't worry. There is another way to get the beads. You can buy beads from players. That will save a lot of time.

After you have collected all the beads, return to Wizard Mizgog. He will reward you.
參考:, me,
2007-04-07 7:40 pm
Imp Catcher
Difficulty level: Easy

Start location: Talk to Wizard Mizgog at Wizard tower's 3rd floor.

NPC: Mizgog, Grayzag


To start off, go to Mizgog at the wizard tower. He is on the third floor. You need to collect 4 beads for him. The Wizard Grayzag has summoned hundreds of little imps. They have stolen a lot of things belonging to the Wizard Mizgog including his magic beads.

You can find Imps nearly everywhere in the world of Runescape but best place to kill them is at Karamja Volcano. Kill imps until you have black, yellow, red and white bead.


Take the beads to Mizgog and he rewards you.


Amulet of accuracy
875 Magic exp.
Quest points gained on completion: 1

2007-04-07 11:43:32 補充:
go to 『Karamja Volcano』to get beads
參考: runescape tips
2007-04-07 7:53 am
D red,yellow,black bead 係要殺那些imp才能得到!!!!!!!!!!

不過,我可以幫你手拿那些 beads。你 E-mail 我,我就幫你。

請 Add 我做 Friend!

我 Account 名叫Steve123849,Combat Level 55!
參考: 我

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