無需理會/不值一提 英文

2007-04-07 5:16 am


回答 (6)

2007-04-07 9:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Don't worry about it/that, leave it, forget it, ignore it

2. Don't even worth mentioning, forget it, it's nothing, hell with it

Some of the answers will be used only in a conversation.
2007-04-07 9:04 pm
does not need to pay attention to,
nothing to worry about,
just ignore it,

2. 不值一提
to be nothing to speak of,
not worth talking about,
don't mention it,
2007-04-07 8:06 pm
1. Needs to pay attention 2. Is unworthy as soon as raises
2007-04-07 7:17 pm
1. nothing to thinking
2. Not Worth Speaking
參考: ME
2007-04-07 5:29 am
1. No need to bother.
2. Not worth mentioning.
2007-04-07 5:21 am
does not need to pay attention/being nothing to speak of

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