Maths Ex !!!!! Come !!! Come !!!! Come !!!

2007-04-07 2:00 am
30.the figure shows a tank of length 80 cm ,width 40 cm and height 50 cm .3/5 of the tank is filled up with water .
a)Find the volume of water .
b)If 12 identical metal balls of volume 400 cm cube each are put into the tank ,find the rise in water level .
(唔明佢問嘜 and how can I find the answer ?)

回答 (1)

2007-04-07 2:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
個缸係長80cm 闊40cm 高50cm
a> 搵個水既容量
volume of the water
= 50x 3/5 80 x 40 cm^3
=96000 cm^3

如果12粒一樣樣既鐵波 每一粒係400cm^3 放左入個缸度 個水位升左幾多??

b> 搵左所有鐵波既容量 / all metal balls' volume
400x 12 cm^3
= 4800cm^3
水位上升 /rise of water level
let h be the rise in water level
4800= 80x 40x h
h = 1.5 cm
:. 水位上升1.5cm /the rise in water level is 1.5cm

2007-04-06 18:10:29 補充:
咁樣答應該唔會有pp-1 呱..希望幫到你啦~
參考: me

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