Jude Law的情史!

2007-04-07 1:07 am

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2007-04-07 11:38 am
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Law married Sadie Frost on September 2, 1997. They have three children together: son Rafferty (born October 6, 1996), daughter Iris (born October 25, 2000) and son Rudy (born September 10, 2002). For a time Frost and Law were central to the so-called 'Primrose Hill set' of young British actors.

They finalized their divorce on October 29, 2003. In 2005, Frost and Law reached a divorce settlement after nearly two years of negotiations. Sadie Frost kept the couple's £2million London house in Primrose Hill, and she received a £4million payment and £15,000 a month, according to reports.

Law became engaged to Sienna Miller, his co-star in Alfie. On July 18, 2005, he issued a public apology to his fiancée for having an affair with his children's nanny. Law and Miller reconciled. Reports from May 29, 2006 stated that Miller and Law were "working things out". On November 12, 2006 Miller and Law made public their relationship was over.

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