
2007-04-07 12:41 am

回答 (4)

2007-04-07 12:46 am
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I think Harry is a smart boy. He do not afraid of any thing and people! And many girl think he is a magic hero!
參考: me
2007-04-07 1:01 am
Harry Potter was a brave boy. He was not afraid of dangers. When he heard that his godfather was trapped in the Mystery Department, he went to the Mystery Department immediately no matter how dangerous it was. However, he had not thought twice before his actions. Therefore, he regretted after the adventure. I like the character Harry Potter because he was so real. He was brave but impetuous. He had strengths and weaknesses just like an ordinary school boy.
參考: me
2007-04-07 12:53 am
2007-04-07 12:45 am
He is smart and handsum.

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