✔ 最佳答案
1. 防手震 vs 高iso, 你會點決擇? (去飲喜酒個情況下)
高iso is always the pick for me. 手震 happens at 1/80s shutter speed.
in 飲喜酒, if you use flash, meaning enough light, you don't even need IS.
IS only needed during LOW LIGHT, or shutter speed or exposure time MORE than 1/80s ....
if you do not use flash, 高iso is really needed, since not enough light ... if you want to take a shot at 1/80s ... f=5.6, you need ISO 800 for sure ...
防手震 only needed in low light and LONG LONG ZOOM like 200mm+
2.人地話nikon機,save相好慢, p5000 有冇呢個問題?
Yes, nikon proconsumer is always not fast. BUT who is taking shot that fast with a P&S ... if you need continous motion, you need a DSLR anyway. 3 frame per second is acceptable in a P&S ... decrease the quality (MP or size) of the shot will reduce the saving time. The saving time is long is because of LACK OF INTERNAL BUFFER (Fast RAM)
3. f31 同 p5000 有冇 a710is 回電慢個問題?
I don't think so, especiall f31 ... it is a improved/advanced version of the famous f30 ...
4. p5000 高iso 表現一定無f31咁好, 但接唔接受到?
acceptable, but p5000 image is just average, and focus system is very slow,
and however, for f31 high iso and easy handling. It is a consideration of course.
I answered you in 1. HIGH ISO PERFORMANCE is more important in this
standard zoom camera.
5. I will pick f40 fd, since it is newer ... but still need to wait :)
also FACE DETECTION is a very important technology, and Fuji P&S focus system is very very accurate... it takes time, but it do the job very smart with trials ...
hope all help.