做fd既最緊要係坦白,,,,,,既然你唔知自己做錯d咩既你去問下佢"究竟我做錯d咩野令你唔鍾意我呀??我有咩唔好你同我講啦,,,,我會去改,,,,我唔想因為 lee d事而影響我地既友誼呀!!!!"你真係要主動d嫁,,唔通你真係想有左個fd咩,,,,,要主動d呀!!!
support u
hope i will help u la!!!
參考: me
ask yourself, if you have really changed the attitude towards them or not.
if you did, try to find out the reasons.
is it because your friend has changed as well.
or.. discuss with your friend and try to understand how he or she feels, then explain to him / her.
Anyway, people change, if anyone of you is changing, each other should accept it, and understand it.
you cant stay the same for ever.
but you will have to adapt to it.
Good luck.
參考: my opinion