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Each Fortune Coltalin DM-cold and flu tablet contains:
Acetaminophen 325 mg --- = paracetamol => for pain/fever
Chlorpheniramine Maleate 2 mg ---- a sedating antihistamine => for relief of runny/blocked nose + sedating aiding rest
Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide 15 mg --- a cough suppressant
Pseudoephedrine Hydrocholoride 30 mg ---- decogestant ==> for relief of runny/blocked nose
It depends on whether your cough is dry or productive(with mucus/phlegm)......
if you are coughing out mucus/phlegm/sputum, you shouldn't be taking any medicine with a cough suppressant......
also, if you are not having any temperature/pain, and that your sinu(es) is not blocked, there is no point taking a combination product.......
if cough is your only symptom, or the only symptom that you want to treat, just use a plain cough medicine....
for chesty/productive cough ==> Mucolytic (cough medicine that helps to break down the mucus) or expectorant (cough medicine that helps you to cough out the mucus)
for dry cough ==> cough suppressant