
2007-04-06 6:22 pm

回答 (4)

2007-04-06 10:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Each Fortune Coltalin DM-cold and flu tablet contains:
Acetaminophen 325 mg --- = paracetamol => for pain/fever
Chlorpheniramine Maleate 2 mg ---- a sedating antihistamine => for relief of runny/blocked nose + sedating aiding rest
Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide 15 mg --- a cough suppressant
Pseudoephedrine Hydrocholoride 30 mg ---- decogestant ==> for relief of runny/blocked nose

It depends on whether your cough is dry or productive(with mucus/phlegm)......

if you are coughing out mucus/phlegm/sputum, you shouldn't be taking any medicine with a cough suppressant......

also, if you are not having any temperature/pain, and that your sinu(es) is not blocked, there is no point taking a combination product.......

if cough is your only symptom, or the only symptom that you want to treat, just use a plain cough medicine....

for chesty/productive cough ==> Mucolytic (cough medicine that helps to break down the mucus) or expectorant (cough medicine that helps you to cough out the mucus)
for dry cough ==> cough suppressant
2007-04-07 8:56 am
問題係邊個開抗生素比你 ? 如果係醫生, 佢冇理由唔知你咳? 究竟有冇開其他藥 ?
如果有其他藥, 你就唔好再自己搵成藥來食, 因為可能某d成份已過量.

如果你食抗生素係因為醫其他病, 但剛剛而家又有咳, 食幸福應該冇問題

最後一句, 有病梗係睇醫生穩陣啦
2007-04-06 6:32 pm
唔可以,因為抗生素的成份可能同幸福傷風咳素的成份有相撞, 會出現不良反應和副作用, 嚴重可以致命,所以最好的方法是睇醫生.
參考: me
2007-04-06 6:25 pm
參考: 我吃過

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