求求你丫,幫我作篇作埋下part150-200字既文 (10分,勁易)我作左上part^0^

2007-04-06 6:12 pm
Write the ending to complete the story in 150-200 words.

Three Little Penguins

Once upon a time there were three little penguins who lived withtheir mother mother
happily.One day their mother told them that they were old enough to go out into the world and they need to make a living for themselves.

回答 (2)

2007-04-06 6:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The elder penguin came to the pond and wanted to catch some fish. However, he didn't know how to do so as his mother never taught them before. So he set still in front of the pond, waiting for the fish swimming to the surface of the water.

The second penguin came to the other pond. She was very hungary and wanted to catch some fish. But she remembered that her mother did not teach her ways to catch fish. She started to blame her mother," oh! What an irresponsible mother who did not teach her children any living skills before telling them to leave home!" She then immediately ran back the way to find her mother.

The smallest penguin stood still in front of the pond. Using a brunch to catch fish. After catching enough fish for his dinner, he lighted a fire to cook. However, the eagle which their mother warned them had to becareful to discovered him. He was afraid of the eagle and wanted to escape to his mother. But when he saw the fire lighted, he started to encourage himself that, he should not always depends on his mother like he was still small.

He used the brunch to light another fire and made the eagle away. At the moment, the eagle saw the other two penguins at the other side. So it gave up the will of eating the smallest penguin and caught the other two.

Finally, the smallest panguin saved himself by his wise and courage.

2007-04-06 7:59 pm
On the way, the penguins walked and sing loudly. Their noise frightened a big bird. The big bird flew towards the noise. It flew nearer, the noise became louder. It saw the penguins sing so it flew towards them. It asked the penguins, 'How noisy you three are! Please be silence or sing quietly if you want to sing because my little, lovely sons and daughters, they are sleeping very well. Don't frighten them!' the penguins understand. 'Don't you know Mum told us that eagles are birds which are very big!' said one of the penguins. The others knew and they ran away quickly. 'What the matter with them?' said the big bird .The penguins came back their home. 'What the matter with all of you? Have eagle disappeared?' said their Mum with a scared and worried face. 'We met an eagle! It's very big!' said one of them.Their Mum went there with them. 'That the eagle!' said the penguins. 'That my friend, called easel!' said their Mum and laughed. 'We're cheated!' said the penguins.
參考: me

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