Animal Farm 嘅讀後感, 急....20分

2007-04-06 5:57 pm
Animal Farm 嘅讀後感, 急....20分

回答 (3)

2007-04-06 7:56 pm
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On the surface, Animal Farm appears to be a simple story. It chronicles, in almost the same manner as a children’s book might, a quaint English farm in which the animals rise up against their human masters. Free to their own devices, the animals install a " glorious " communist government. Published at the very end of World War II, Orwell used the small story of the animal farm as a microcosm for The Soviet Union.

Since it was written at the height of Soviet power, and Orwell was not alive to see the decline and subsequent end of that power, Animal Farm takes on an heir of prophesy in its portrayal of a steadily ruinous government. The leaders of the movement on the farm are pigs, constantly competing for power, and editing the sacred constitution of the farm. The pigs and their closest officials live in opulence, while the other animals toil under a police state enforced by vicious dogs (in a stroke of metaphorical genius on Orwell’s part.) The livestock populace eventually has insufficient food, and toil endlessly, insisting mindlessly that the fruit of their labor is the increasingly hollow communist ideal of a class-less society.

Animal Farm was important in its time because of what Orwell rightly perceived to be a willing blindness about the bleakness of the Soviet system on the part of the Western world. It remains important today as a brilliantly effective cautionary tale against any form of totalitarian government. Anyone interested in a true-to-life perspective on a form of government different from our own, (and still prevalent in some parts of the world today,) would do well to read Animal Farm. It is hard to find a novel with an equally interesting and pertinent topic presented in such an accessible way.
2007-04-06 7:58 pm
Animal Farm is really an interesting story,
which gives information on ________________.
I like it very much and I can learn ____________from it.
I think this is a good book!

2007-04-06 11:59:03 補充:
sorry, it'sAnimal Farm is a really interesting book!
參考: me ~
2007-04-06 6:04 pm
Animal Farm is good!The story is very excited!

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