why air pollution become serise?

2007-04-06 8:23 am
why air pollution become serise?
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回答 (2)

2007-04-06 8:51 am
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Hong Kong has been facing two air pollution issues. One is local street-level pollution. The other is the regional smog problem. Diesel vehicles are the main source of street-level pollution. Smog, however, is caused by a combination of pollutants from motor vehicles, industry and power plants both in Hong Kong and in the Pearl River Delta region.

The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government gives high priority to controlling both street-level air pollution and smog. The main strategies include:
Implementing a wide range of measures to control emissions from motor vehicles, power plants, and industrial and commercial processes locally. Working with Guangdong Provincial Authorities to implement a joint plan to tackle the regional smog problem.

Reducing Emissions from Industrial Sources and Power Plants

The Air Pollution Control Ordinance and its subsidiary regulations provide the control of emissions from power plants, industrial and commercial sources, construction activities, open burning, asbestos, petrol filling stations and dry-cleaning machines.

Citizens can help reduce air pollution by choosing public instead of personalized transport and doing such things as turning off electric lights and appliances when not in use. For more tips on reducing air pollution, please refer to Help Clean the Air.Everyone can help clean the air by altering daily activities which create air pollution. This leaflet provides some simple ways which you may consider to help make our air cleaner and healthier to breathe.

Make maximum use of mass public transport avoid travel by car.Benefits - Reduces the emissions of nitrogen oxides and particulates from road vehicles. Maintain your car engine keep your car engine properly tuned. Benefits - Saves fuel, money and air pollution.Switch off idling engines switch off engine while waiting. Benefits - Saves fuel, money and air pollution.

Switch off domestic appliances turn off fans, air-conditioners, lights, etc. when not required. Set air-conditioned room temperature at 25.5oC.Benefits - Saves energy, money and air pollution from power stations (reduces the emissions of sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and particulates). Use energy efficient domestic appliances
use energy saving light bulbs, air-conditioners, refrigerators, etc. with energy efficiency labels.Benefits - Saves energy, money and air pollution from power stations (reduces the emissions of sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and particulates).Use non-aerosol consumer products hair sprays, furniture polish, deodorants and pesticides often use hydrocarbons as their propellants. Non-aerosol consumer products, which contain no hydrocarbons, are usually manufactured in pump, solid or roll-on forms. Benefits - Reduces the emissions of volatile organic compounds which helps reduce the formation of ozone.

Use clean technology compare and choose production technologies which use minimum electricity, fuel and solvents. Benefits - Reduces the emissions of nitrogen oxides, particulates and volatile organic compounds.
Use water-based paints use water-based paints in printing or lithographic processes, etc. Benefits - Reduces the emissions of volatile organic compounds which helps reduce the formation of ozone. Use low solvent degreasers use low solvent degreasers in the cleaning of oils, grease, or wax from metal during metal finishing process. Benefits - Reduces the emissions of volatile organic compounds which helps reduce the formation of ozone.

2007-04-06 8:32 am
Just because the human activities keep running everyday(non-stop). Power plants keep using coal and petroleum to generate electricity. Vehicles are running everyday. And the measure taken to reduce pollutants produced by power plants and vehicles is not enough.
參考: Myself.

收錄日期: 2021-04-25 20:17:16
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